Dear Radiant Woman,

Inside each of us is a Body of Work waiting to come to life. Your Body of Work is the truest, most authentic expression of your gifts in the world. The place where your core teaching lives. When you claim your Body of Work and commit to creating projects that are only in alignment with it, your life changes. The questions of whether or not you matter are out the door. You are in it. For real.

You become clear about why you and your voice matter. 

You understand what it is you're here to do and who you're here to serve. 

You feel a sense of purpose that becomes your guiding light. 

This is what we are up to in Radiance. Sounds audacious. It rather is.

We are here with a powerful invitation for women with big ideas that want to LIVE INTO THEIR BODY of WORK. To catalyze what is in their mind and heart into a program/course and a series of teachings. 

We believe that ALL women entrepreneurs have a great work to bring forth.  

We may even go so far as to say that each of us has a book in us...what do you think about that? 

We believe that ALL women entrepreneurs have content that can be translated into their core curriculum that is held within the body of work. 

We believe that when you are a leader, the process of discovering and bringing forth a body of work, is often connected to the deepest dream of making a contribution. 

From experience we know that lack of STRUCTURE and limited capacity to see the big picture of how it works, is often what keeps us from reaching our goals. 

We are here to bridge the gap between the idea and the reality. 

We will help and support you to uncover and discover your Body of Work, the core teachings and information that only you can give. Together in community you will articulate your Body of Work and bring it to life with an offering that your soul is yearning to give. Sound exciting? IT SO IS! Just writing this down makes us quiver with joy!

Your time to shine has arrived. A Radiant Woman is a woman who is free to shine her light. Her glow radiates from the inside out and to those she serves. She has a vision and Body of Work that is a light to the world. And her Body of Work turns her on!

Shiloh Sophia & Amy Ahlers during BOLD workhop for women Entrepreneurs

Radiance is right for you if:  

  • You have a business and vision for your heart’s calling and who you’re here to serve. You may need to refine it, but you’re on your path.  
  • You’ve made the leap and declared that you are an entrepreneur and have begun to bring your vision into form. You have worked with clients or taught groups or created offerings.
  • You’re ready to go deep within and listen to your inner wisdom in potent ways that include moving with flow instead of force. 
  • You are ready to step out of the dominant paradigm and do business your way - not the way everyone tells you that you should.
  • You are excited by the idea of being in a supported container; circle with others who are going through similar challenges and victories. 
  • You’re prepared to commit to an experience of committed focused time spent on your heart's desire to offer your gifts. 
  • You have an innate sense that you are a teacher - even if you haven't been teaching that much yet OR aren't sure how to name what you really know.
  • You’re willing to let go of limiting beliefs, old stories, and toxic patterns so you can set yourself free.
  • You’re willing to get uncomfortable, knowing that discomfort is meant to wake you up and uplift you. 
  • You are willing to dare to believe that you have a book in you, and a high level offering that can begin to sustain your body of work.  

A body of work takes time, care, community and funding to come to light and be sustained. Many have tried and not had sufficient income flow to maintain and the stay the course. To see it through. It isn't something most of us were taught to even think about. Most of us are in recovery from thinking we don't even matter. Let alone might have something HUGE to offer. You will build a path that can support the creation of your body of work.  

Radiance isn't a step by step business program like you have ever seen. We won't even be rushing to 'launch' your course DURING Radiance. This is design time. Flow time. Nurturing space. Will you dare to invest this sacred time into your potential?

photo from Radiance retreat 2018 : Carmel California

Together we create sacred space

Radiance is NOT right for you if:  

  • You’re at the very beginning of discovering your gifts and don’t yet have any understanding of your calling.  
  • You don’t like working in a community setting...you prefer to go it alone.  
  • You’re not willing to show up for the work at hand.  
  • Your only motivation in entrepreneurship is making money or getting “online famous.” 
  • The investment is too much of a stretch at this time.

Magic occurs when women come together and are held in a catalyzing container of support, wisdom and love. Having two teachers, to mentor and guide you on your journey to discovering your Body of Work, will up-level your business in potent and uncommon ways. We both have worked with circles, guides and masterminds to take our business to the place it is now - without it - we wouldn't be where we are.

The results and transformations we've received by being in circles like this has been life changing and business changing. RADIANCE is experiential and hands on - you will be designing your Body of Work. 

Our hope and stand for you in RADIANCE is that you will:

  • Discover the power of Flow vs. Force to manifest 
  • Articulate the foundation for your Body of Work 
  • Develop your heart-centered Core Teachings into curriculum 
  • Create connection with your true Beloveds/Clients  
  • Design a Platinum/Premium program that showcases your core teachings and your genius - while creating income 
  • Prepare to receive and set up the systems for prosperity in connection with your work 
  • Design a structured launch plan for sharing your program offering following Radiance
  • Move beyond limiting beliefs about the importance of you and your work in the world
  • Gain tools through self expression to see how your business and mind can be informed through creativity
  • Discover the connection of brilliant peers by your side for support and insight 
  • Rock the world with your shining vision and create the draft of a book, however small or large that has your body of work outlined.
  • Feel a sense of contented freedom by gaining access to your authentic expression 
  • Feel the absolute GLOW that is possible when one sees herself as a RADIANT WOMAN Entrepreneur!  

A Sampling of Professional and Personal Results that could be possible... 

GENIUS: Access to right brain left brain technology to help you 'think' and 'see' and 'feel' the way you want to feel to move yourself ahead in your business. Scarcity thinking is often dominating us in ways we cannot even imagine. We will work this out and reveal a new horizon through your consciousness. 

LIBERATION: Many people carry shame about having - about building wealth and saying so - but women empowered to act are women empowered to do good in the world. What if we could be philanthropic? Focusing on what we can give instead of what we need? Would that shift feel empowering to you? Let's move beyond the shame of having, coupled with the dream of having enough to give to ourselves and others.  

SELF EXPRESSION: Radiance is a circle like no other, because we work with Intentional Creativity, painting, drawing, and writing, to guide you to access your Wise Woman within. You don't need to feel creative, we will guide you through processes in visual literacy as a way to access, often, hidden information. Any business that reflects you will reflect your unique self-expression!  

CONFIDENCE: Having massive mindset shifts about money, business and sisterhood: Inner Mean Girls and Inner Critics love to beat us up and tell us things like "who do you think you are?" and "you are not enough" or "you don't belong." It's time to STOP letting those negative voices sabotage you and your beautiful business.  

PRESENCE: Stepping out of the fear of visibility and step into owning your voice and gifts: Fear of visibility holds so many heart-centered entrepreneurs back. It's time to be seen and heard!  

INNER GUIDANCE: Creating profound connection to your inner guidance: Connecting with your Inner Wisdom will create astonishing results in every area of your life, not just your business. Imagine if you allowed your Inner Truth to get last vote every time? What if you could create your business from this space of embodied empowerment?

Gather with us in a council on the future of business, your business.

We have worked with thousands of women entrepreneurs, we have witnessed the struggle to find their way and create the visions they have in their heart...and the call to create their own Body of Work.  

There is a yearning for more... more impact, more income, more experience & more deeply living your life's work

We get it. We’ve been there.  

We did it differently and here we are with thriving companies of our own. We lived to tell the story.  

We will share from the heart what has worked, what hasn't, and what we are seeing first hand in the business world and how it is changing. And. Why right now is the perfect time to make your radiant mark in the world.  

Being in a circle of women is a big part of both of our journeys to success...You don't have to do this alone - the wisdom is in the collective.  

Let's mastermind - combining right and left-brain and the heart - with traditional business wisdom and wild inspiration....

Here’s what we know to be true...  

There is only one way to do your business - Your Way. Your business is unique to you and your vision for the world.

Radiance is new and futuristic but paired with traditional marketing tools. Our approach to this program is unlike anything we have ever heard of - or partaken of ourselves. It is a hybrid of the best of both worlds - soul and heart led - with grounded savvy up-to-date business acumen. 

You don’t have to sacrifice your soul to be in business.  


What's your unique thing - your Body of Work?

What's your secret sauce or your ‘all that’ offering? What’s your "too big for your britches" business? For most of us it has to be dreamed BIG but implemented in small potent actionable steps. Without something to share - product, service, class or information - you won’t have something to charge for.  

For example, right now - even if you have a business - how much money could your business collect on any given day - as in - what could people buy right now? Is your business set up to even receive 6 figures or multi-6 figures if that was possible?  

We will show you how to set it up so that all the channels are OPEN to receive what is possible to come towards you. We have diverse views - different from each other, and from most of our own peers, about money and abundance making - so we aren’t asking you to do what we do - that is an old model - done done.  

Through the prosperity teaching, you will set up structures to receive. 

 Summoning the Guides by Artist Shiloh Sophia 

There is only one way to do business, YOUR WAY!

Alignment creates flow  

Aligning with the essential aspects of your business isn’t something most people teach from the space of the heart, and consciousness. It isn’t that it is a great mystery - rather - it’s that for a long time business people and business models have either been putting profit before service (corporations) - or service before profit (not-for-profit).  

Our training doesn’t focus on existing models but invites you to the emerging model of prosperity that combines profitability with serviceability - and YOUR LOVE for the work itself.  

We will be honest - the two of us are pretty wild and saucy - we don’t want to create your average circle - why do that? We want to create a dynamic innovative space where your dreams, ideas, and projects can be put into place DURING the training. 

Here’s the miracle of this - even if you don’t know how exactly yet to create what you want - we are going to invent it anyway - dream it anyway - build it anyway and learn along the path - using the power of imagination to inspire courageous implementation.  

Radiance is designed to catalyze your entrepreneurship through inviting you to truly show up and give you the tools for your sacred work in the world. All of us have gifts to share, those who are successful have developed ways of working that are both based on the wisdom of those who have gone before them and those who stand shoulder to shoulder with them. The container of group wisdom has proven to be one of most potent tools in business today.

Together we raise up one another's light.

RADIANCE is an invitation to walk a path with heart...

What's different about Radiance?

You get two women entrepreneurs who have created 6 figure launches and developed 7 figure projects coming together to bring you some seriously cutting edge business training. Different styles, different backgrounds - a coach and an artist who have worked together on projects for 7 years, are inviting you to the future of business creation. Precious, rare and smokin hot!  

This is not a ‘done for you’ template. Not a paint by number. Not a “follow these steps to success to be rich like me.” This is a gathering of women called together as a counsel. We are not the teacher and you are not just the student. We aren’t going to hand you a formula to copy. Instead we are creating the SPACE for you to access YOUR OWN WISDOM - as that is what can sustain you for YEARS to come.  

We are both in our forties, but combined we have 40 years of business up our skirts (instead of up our sleeves) to bring into conversation. We are all for sovereignty of thought - yet mighty businesses are MOST often created in the company of other brilliant minds.


Our training will be designed as collaborative experiential modules that empower you during the training. The mediums we use to deliver the journey to you - we will be showing you how to use them in your own business.  

Your Guides - Amy and Shiloh - are bringing their radiance together for you!  

The groundbreaking emergent technology called Intentional Creativity® that opens the pathways to the right brain and the left, aligned with the heart, is a part of our journey. The founder of that method, Shiloh Sophia, will be bringing you her business savvy combined with creativity, which she has before only offered to her circle of peers. For her, it's precious, and she needs a circle of committed women to bring the teachings to.  

We are here to expand and deepen your capacity to implement your work. Radiance is a circle-based feminine mastermind led by none other than the Wake Up Call Coach, Amy Ahlers, who has been coaching women to make their dreams come to life by waking them up to their Inner Wisdom, teaching them not to be so hard on themselves, and then moving towards embodying their greatness. Amy is the coach to coaches - the one her 6 and 7 figure friends go to when it is time to notch up the amplitude on their offerings. Including, Shiloh Sophia who studied with Amy 8 years ago, before launching her teacher training school.  

Online business numbers have skyrocketed into the billions in an arena that did not exist ten years ago. What’s more - when other businesses are going down - ours have grown - we will tell you and share with you - why that is - but that is only for those who register to join us! It isn’t a secret - but it is reserved for peer conversation with colleagues.  

Plus we will do cool feminine stuff like - ask you to set up your desk as an altar - and pick a favorite shawl or necklace to wear - hang empowering art in your office - stuff like that. Making beauty is a part of creating the space for the work to happen within.

Next Steps for Radiance...


You Are Radiant - and You Know it! Join Our Prosperity Circle of Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs That Are Ready to Shine and Be Guided By Their Heart and Creative Soul!

Radiance Testimonials

This program is the holy grail for heart-centered, spirit led entrepreneurs who want to make a meaningful impact on the world. 

By learning how to access and harness my true body of the work, the work that is specifically mine to do, I have unlocked the entire foundation of business my way. I can see a lasting trajectory of content, teachings, and offers that are sustainable, needed and full of life. Because that foundation is there, an easy and fun marketing strategy clearly unfolded. I have never, ever had this kind of foundation that I know will take me far into the future. I was so exhausted from rethinking my whole business every 90 days, that I almost quit. If you need to find a rock, solid way to be an entrepreneur on your terms, the Radiance program will catapult you into the future.

~ Julie Steelman, USA

Love you both to the moon and stars and beyond. I am SO PROFOUNDLY grateful to both of you for your dedication, commitment and LOVE. Incomparable. WOW WOW WOW you have WOWED me.

~ Elizabeth Gibbons, USA 

I received from Radiance the clarity and courage to up-level my course delivery platform and launch not one but three offerings! 

The new sacred rituals for Calling in my Beloveds and connecting to my Radiant Woman. A stronger focus on Prosperity and the clearer sense of what it means to me.

~ Maria A Rodriguez, USA

Participation in Radiance Mastermind and Prosperity has been the inspiration and influence that was required for me to set into motion the dreams, knowledge, and preparation I have been dreaming of launching into form.  

Thank you Shiloh and Amy for your wisdom and grace in leading me up to and beyond the edge of my vision.  

~ Hobby Parent, USA

You two are so vibrant and wise and offer such a deep experience together. There are so many moments where your words, your stories, your wisdom, spoke to the very heart of my experience and often propelled me from a place of stuckness to a place of movement and possibility.  

I so agree that the combination of both of your unique gifts has created a deep, rich, four-dimensional experience for all of us to be held and nourished to step beyond our edges and bring our work forward.  

~ Sasha Padron, Canada

I feel more grounded in my business and have several project ideas that I’m excited to work on. These are projects that weren’t anywhere on my radar at the beginning of Radiance, so that’s a big thing. 

I feel more aligned with the work I’m currently doing, more confident, more patient (mostly). I have a better sense of how to think about projects and the timing of them. Feeling like I’m doing the work I’m meant to be doing has been priceless, and coupled with the permission to make it my own just adds to it.  

I also LOVED Shiloh’s teachings on using the whole brain and the general permission to do things my way. I enjoyed the creative practices and processes, as well as the guidance around how to reverse plan (this was a major learning for my often jumbled brain). When I was able to participate in the masterminds, I found them enlightening and fun.  

~ Sarah Love, USA

I birthed my signature body of work and clarified the best form to deliver it. 

I stepped into my business woman archetype more fully and remembered the importance of creativity in my process. I increased my visibility and self-confidence. I connected with amazing and accomplished women. 

~ Joni Advent Maher, USA

I had a breakthrough in learning how to use many different technical modalities including audio and video and a better idea of what I enjoy and don't, as well as what support structures and people I would need to free me to do those aspects that I enjoy.  

~ Meredith Lowry, USA

Shiloh/Amy together are a powerful kick-ass, intentional synergy of love and creativity. A constant reminder of what's possible. A dynamic duo bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience.

~ Jillian Roth, USA

There is no turning back now and this makes me so happy - I feel so alive!!! 

I have gained confidence in visibility and being of service in a way that nurtures my soul and the souls of my Beloveds. Confidence in being true to myself - I found my voice! I have web presence, a deeper connection with my community, a profound love for humanity that has been in my heart and in my mind and through this process the gap has been bridged - this is huge. Yes, Thank you with all my heart and being.

~ Nicola Hoffman, USA

Radiance gave me a deadline to work towards and a tribe to work within.

~ Lou Reed, Australia

My main goal was to become clear of my offer and to have a platform. The first step that I curated during radiance was my visibility in a whole new scale. 

Now I have the platform and the clarity for my offer. The results are a whole new level of visibility that in my wildest dreams I would never have accomplished without radiance. 

~ Rosamaria Polidura, Mexico

It was lovely to hear the real experiences shared by Amy and Shiloh including the reality that entrepreneurship is not an instant success and how to work through what really calls the heart.

~ Gisela Pinero, Australia

I knew this program was going to be good. It wasn't just better, it was the best I could hope for. There is an element of integrity that comes through. It's hard to explain, but there is a feeling of safety and protection around the the financial commitment to the program. It's something I would love to learn from you.

The full experience of Summit gave me a better picture of what I can and will do for my own offerings. The compatibility of the group was a strong current for staying with the process when doubts arose. I have a mailing list!!!! 

~Catherine White-Gardner

The most powerful experience for me was participating in the Compass Rose Summit. It was scary and overwhelming at times, but I learned I can do it. It also was gratifying to receive feedback from participants who enjoyed my presentation and did receive insights from it.  

You both are magnificent human beings, mentors and teachers, and I'm so fortunate to have had you as my guides through Radiance and the Compass Rose Summit! LOVE YOU!!!

~Sherry Banaka

Shiloh and Amy are both big-hearted, bold, courageous, supportive, inspirational leaders, with huge experience and expertise in different areas, that they both share with immense generosity and profound wisdom. Their commitment transcends and permeates the entire Radiance experience.

~ Susan Kirkcaldy

So much deep heartfelt, commitment, wisdom, expertise and knowledge was ever present. I feel on some level we just got started, just scratched the surface of what is possible and deeply grateful to have now have this container and view of life and business moving forward.

~Karen Walsh

About Your Radiant Guide, Amy Ahlers:  

Amy Ahlers is a master coach, keynote speaker, and the bestselling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves and Reform Your Inner Mean Girl. Amy is on a mission to STOP women from self-bullying and being so darn hard on themselves. With nearly two decades of coaching experience, she is the host of the celebrated Amy Ahlers Show podcast, she has been a featured keynote speaker on stages at places like Google and Oracle and has appeared on countless TV and radio shows. Amy leads a high level women’s leadership incubator called Rise and Lead to help women confidently rise into the income, impact and contribution they desire and deserve. Amy wholeheartedly believes it's time for women to claim their seat at the leadership table. Most mornings you’ll find Amy doing a dance party with her husband and two daughters with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family and rescue mutt, Batman.


About Your Radiant Guide, Shiloh Sophia:  

Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure narrated by the creative fire of her Muse! She has been painting, writing poetry, publishing books, and teaching at universities, the United Nations, and in her own programs around the world for over twenty years.

Her soul work is inspired by the idea that self-expression is a basic human ability and that each person has a right to know how they think and feel, and the freedom to express themselves in the world. 

She is the co-curator and founder of the Intentional Creativity Foundation (ICF) and Cosmic Cowgirls, a woman and girl owned organization, that serves between 500 and 5000 women a month. ICF and Cosmic Cowgirls provide revolutionary education, made available both online and on-location. The school, inn, and museum are located in Sonoma County, California and is called MUSEA Sophia. Shiloh Sophia also founded a Teacher Training, Color of Woman, which certifies women to teach Intentional Creativity worldwide. 

She lives in the vineyard-lined hills with her husband, Jonathan, who is also a poet and artist. Their Muses can be found most mornings having tea and discussing quantum physics, philosophy, and sacred texts in the Red Thread Cafe.  



Your Radiance Guides

About Your Radiant Guide, Amy Ahlers:  

Amy Ahlers is a master coach, keynote speaker, and the bestselling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves and Reform Your Inner Mean Girl. Amy is on a mission to STOP women from self-bullying and being so darn hard on themselves. With nearly two decades of coaching experience, she is the host of the celebrated Amy Ahlers Show podcast, she has been a featured keynote speaker on stages at places like Google and Oracle and has appeared on countless TV and radio shows. Amy leads a high level women’s leadership incubator called Rise and Lead to help women confidently rise into the income, impact and contribution they desire and deserve. Amy wholeheartedly believes it's time for women to claim their seat at the leadership table. Most mornings you’ll find Amy doing a dance party with her husband and two daughters with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family and rescue mutt, Batman.


About Your Radiant Guide, Shiloh Sophia:  

Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure narrated by the creative fire of her Muse! She has been painting, writing poetry, publishing books, and teaching at universities, the United Nations, and in her own programs around the world for over twenty years.  

Her soul work is inspired by the idea that self-expression is a basic human ability and that each person has a right to know how they think and feel, and the freedom to express themselves in the world.  

She is the co-curator and founder of the Intentional Creativity Foundation (ICF) and Cosmic Cowgirls, a woman and girl owned organization, that serves between 500 and 5000 women a month. ICF and Cosmic Cowgirls provide revolutionary education, made available both online and on-location. The school, inn, and museum are located in Sonoma County, California and is called MUSEA Sophia. Shiloh Sophia also founded a Teacher Training, Color of Woman, which certifies women to teach Intentional Creativity worldwide.  

She lives in the vineyard-lined hills with her husband, Jonathan, who is also a poet and artist. Their Muses can be found most mornings having tea and discussing quantum physics, philosophy, and sacred texts in the Red Thread Cafe.  
