Activate and Accelerate your Magical Dream Project 

Virtual Gathering with SARK & Amy Ahlers

Your Guides: SARK and Amy Ahlers


Activate and Accelerate your Magical Dream Project 

Virtual Gathering with SARK & Amy Ahlers

Your Guides: SARK and Amy Ahlers

Register and receive immediate access to this virtual gathering!

We'll share how to:

  • CONNECT with SARK, Amy and a Virtual Circle of like-hearted Women ready to activate creative projects (like Books, Creative Businesses, Products Lines, Retreats, Dream Offering and New Revenue Streams)
  • CLAIM your Dream Project with a powerful ritual and give energy, life force and momentum towards it - starting right now!  
  • COMMIT to the next step to Activate and/or Accelerate your Dream Project  
  • CONSIDER joining us in Magical Maui for a 5 Day Luxury ReTREAT, fully focused on bringing your Dream Project to Life! (we’ll share more during our time together—spots are filling fast)

We hope you'll join us!

Register and receive immediate access to this Virtual Gathering! 

We'll share how to:

  • CONNECT with SARK, Amy and a Virtual Circle of like-hearted Women ready to activate creative projects (like Books, Creative Businesses, Products Lines, Retreats, Dream Offering and New Revenue Streams)
  • CLAIM your Dream Project with a powerful ritual and give energy, life force and momentum towards it - starting right now!  
  • COMMIT to the next step to Activate and/or Accelerate your Dream Project  
  • CONSIDER joining us in Magical Maui for a 5 Day Luxury ReTREAT, fully focused on bringing your Dream Project to Life! (we’ll share more during our time together—spots are filling fast)

We hope you'll join us!

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